See my Projects

  1. Security system for home using face recognition (Python, OpenCV, Firebase, HTML, CSS and JavaScript)

    April, 2022

    If the owner wants to enter the house, the entrance will be unlocked. If someone else tries to enter the house and the system does not recognize him/her, the system will generally take a photograph of the visitor and system will asks certain questions (Name, phone number, purpose, etc.) and send photograph with details to the house owner through email and ask for permission.

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  2. Clinic Notary

    August, 2022

    It is an appointment taking web application with priority check in which a patients can book their appointments with given doctors and here doctor patient's health history.

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  3. Note taking Web application

    December, 2021

    It will help you in remembering things. In this you just need to write a note and it will stick it with date and time on your dashboard.

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  4. Bike Racing Game

    July, 2021

    It will help you in remembering things. In this you just need to write a note and it will stick it with date and time on your dashboard.

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  5. Emoji_Checker

    September, 2022

    It is a react.js based application will help you analyze emojis and find the meaning of particular emojis.

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  6. 3-D Calculator

    August, 2022

    It is a 3-D Calculator with enhanced UI and responsive design built using vanilla.js.

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  7. Fun Translations

    September, 2022

    It is a Fun Translations javascript-based application that uses a fun translation API to convert the given text to a funny language.

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  8. Simple Digital Clock

    August, 2022

    It is a simple digital clock that shows the application of javascript. It is not like heavy web-applications which take too long to get load, infact it shows you time within a second.

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